Activate Disabled User Account

Activate Disabled User Account

Activate Disabled User Account

DigitalStakeout provides the ability to activate a disabled user account for granting access to the DigitalStakeout product.

Note: The Activate Disabled User Account feature can only be performed by users with Super User permissions.  The My Account menu and user account options are not visible for non Super Users.
From any applicable screen, select My Account from the icon menu on the top right header of the DigitalStakeout product.
  1. Select Manage Users.
  1. Select Disabled Users.

Utilize the Filter User List By Feature to Select a User by Name or Email Address and Select the User account to Enable.

Filter User List By Feature:
  1. Select User to Edit: Disabled Users Feature
  2. Select the User you wish to Activate from the Disabled Users drop down.
  3. Select the Enabled Yes option.

Select Save.

A box will appear indicating Save Finished.  Select OK.

The user will receive an email to the email address listed in the profile from DigitalStakeout with the subject DigitalStakeout Security Notice indicating DigitalStakeout account information has been updated.

Note: Some email systems mark external emails as spam or junk.  If the user does not receive the email in his/her inbox, it is recommended he/she looks for the email in spam, junk or clutter folders.
To verify the user account has been enabled, select radio button before Active Users and the drop down.  The enabled user account will be listed in the drop down menu.

    Need help with this?

    The DigitalStakeout team is happy to help! To request assistance, open a ticket .

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