Create a Web Presence Monitor

Create a Web Presence Monitor

Our proprietary Canvass technology discovers owned and unauthorized web facing accounts associated with your brand and employees. With web presence monitor, you can persistently inventory, alert and get support to investigate or take down accounts that increase privacy risk or that are malicious, fraudulent or infringe on your brand.  

The web presence monitor should only be used to discover accounts. It will NOT monitor the content or posts of any account.

The primary use case of this monitor is to detect new imposter accounts, unauthorized social media accounts or to demonstrate compliance that you are governing your online website properties by having an inventory of authorized/unauthorized profiles.

From the DigitalStakeout Setup Page, select the Discovery Tab,  "Add Monitor."

 The “Create Web Presence Monitor” screen will appear.  Fill in the fields as follows: 

  1. Status:  This should be greyed out and read enabled.
  2. Expires On: This is a date box, but the default is “Never Expires.”  Adjust as necessary for your needs or leave the default in place.  
  3. Monitor Name: (required field) This is where you enter a name for your monitor. This is strictly a label to distinguish one monitor from another.
  4. Identifier: (required field) This is where you enter any identifiers you want in your monitor, as in a keyword or phrase, hashtag, name or brand.   Example: DigitalStakeout #digitalstakeout.  After entering each phrase, hashtag, or brand, click the “add” button.  You can add multiple phrases, hashtags, names or brands.  
  5. Match on Domain: This is where you type in any domains you want to match, i.e., etc. After entering each domain, click the “add” button.  You can add multiple domains. If you do not wish to include any domains, you may leave this blank. We recommend not including a domain unless you specifically want results from only those domains.
    Must not Contain
    :  This is where you add any words, phrases, or hashtags you want to specifically exclude from your monitor. After entering each word, phrase, or hashtag, click the “add” button.  You can add multiple excluded words, phrases, or hashtags.  If you do not wish to exclude anything, you may leave this blank.  

Once you have completed all of the above, select the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.  

How the Web Presence Monitor Works

The monitor will report the up to the last 500 matching accounts that meet the monitor criteria. It will only poll and return results on a 24 hours basis.

How to achieve the best discovery Results with this Monitor

Do not add the following into search fields:
  1. Special Characters, #, @, etc.
  2. Long Form Phrases
  3. Common Names: John Smith, John Williams
  4. Common Words: If the term is not a brand, trademark or "owned" by somebody, the term should NOT be used.
The ideal search criteria for the Monitor are:
  1. Major brands (Amazon, Wells Fargo, Accenture)
  2. Unique Person Names: Jeff Bezos
  3. Unique Screen Names: johnny123


    Need help with this?

    The DigitalStakeout team is happy to help! To request assistance, open a ticket .

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