Create Basic Email Alert Rule

Create Basic Email Alert Rule

DigitalStakeout provides the ability to create basic email alerts for notification of valuable events collected within a monitor, collection or folder.

Basic email alerts are configured within the DigitalStakeout product through the homepage. 

Navigate to the Workflow Rules screen, either by selecting "Create Alert" on the home screen or hovering over "Setup" and selecting alerts.
  1. Select the folder or monitor with collected data for which to receive a basic email alert. Ensure whatever monitor or folder you wish to receive email alerts on is in the grey box.
  2. Folder Option: Selecting a folder will alert on collected data for ALL of the monitors within the folder. 
  3. Monitor Option: Selecting a monitor will alert on collected data for the individual monitor selected. 

Select New Workflow Rule.
There are two sections to the creation of a Workflow Rule as a basic email alert; the administrative section where the alert is named and the delivery of a basic email alert is configured and the filter options where the collected data can be filtered/refined before an email alert is sent.

Administrative Section
  1. Status: Enabled indicates the Workflow Rule is active and will send email alerts based on the parameters indicated in the Workflow Rule.  Similarly, to turn off a Workflow Rule, select Status: Disabled.
  2. Name of Rule: Enter a name for the Workflow Rule.  A name is required for all Workflow Rules.  A best practice is to name the Workflow Rule similar to the folder or monitor name. 
  1. Description of Rule: A description can be entered to more completely describe the Workflow Rule.  For example, a description for the basic email alert would be “This Workflow Rule will send an email to me for any content collected by the DigitalStakeout HQ 2 monitor.”  Note: A description is not required.
  2. Notify on Match: Yes or no.  Select yes if you want to be notified of the Workflow Rule match.  If you want an email alert, select yes.
  3. Repeat Notice: This is the interval in which you will be notified. If you select 24 hours, you will be notified when the rule is triggered, and again 24 hours later.
  4. Risk of Match: Set this to whatever you like, low, medium, or high depending on your needs.
  5. Actions to Perform: The action indicates the dissemination or process of the Workflow Rule.  In a basic email alert there are two email options:
             Send Email (Combined Results) which will send multiple content results within one email per every 10 minute               period as long as data is collected in the Folder or Monitor OR

            Send Email (Individual Events) which will send one email per content result received. 
If there is a need to receive content results as quickly as possible after posting, for example, in a time sensitive situation, choose Send Email (Individual Events).  If it is not a time sensitive situation or to minimize the number of emails received, choose Send Email (Combined Results).
  1. Email Template: Once an email action – Send Email (Combined Results or Individual Events) – has been selected, the Email Template drop down will appear.  For a basic email alert, select Default Rules Template.  The Default Rules Template will send email alerts to the user who created the Workflow Rule.  For more information on sending email alerts to other users, please see the advanced email alert documentation.

The second section of the Create New Workflow Rule is the Filter Options. 
Filter Options
Users may apply a word list, enter Boolean words or phrases, enter a tag, filter by entity (metadata on the bottom of the post), or construct a geo-fence around a certain area from which they want to receive alerts.  No alerts will be forwarded from outside this geo-fence if it is used.

The same rules for word lists and Boolean filtering apply to these options for alerting. You may use any or all of these filtering options independently of or in conjunction with one another.  The most commonly used filtering option is the Boolean box or word list.

Once you have set the parameters to your satisfaction, select save.

The Workflow Rule will be visible in Scout Workflow when the Folder or Monitor is selected.

The email alert will be sent to the email address listed in the profile from DigitalStakeout with the subject: DigitalStakeout Content Alert Notification.

Note: Some email systems mark external emails as spam or junk.  If an email is not received in the inbox, it is recommended to look for the email in spam, junk or clutter folders.

    Need help with this?

    The DigitalStakeout team is happy to help! To request assistance, open a ticket .

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