Data Breach Search

Data Breach Search

Data Breach Search Overview

The Data Breach Search tool in DigitalStakeout allows users to identify potential breaches or exposure of sensitive information by searching across multiple online sources. It uses supported search patterns and a wide range of "selectors" are supported for more targeted results. 

This is currently an Alpha release. After the Alpha period, this product will require an additional subscription. This product and the features within are subject to change at any time.

Supported Selectors

Bitcoin Address: Find transactions or mentions of a specific Bitcoin address.
Credit Card Number: Identify exposures of specific credit card numbers.
Domain: Search for breaches related to a specific domain name.
Email Address: Locate any instances where a particular email address has been compromised or mentioned.
Ethereum Address: Track down transactions or mentions of a specific Ethereum address.
IBAN: Investigate possible exposures of International Bank Account Numbers.
IPV4/IPV6 CIDR Block: Look for activities or mentions related to specific IP address ranges.
IPFS Hash: Locate content associated with a given InterPlanetary File System hash.
MAC Address: Search for any mentions or usages of a specific Media Access Control address.
Phone Number: Identify where a phone number may have been exposed or mentioned.
Social Security Number: Seek out instances of a specific SSN being compromised.
URL: Find out if a URL has been compromised or exposed in any breaches.
UUID: Search for specific Universal Unique Identifiers.

How to Use the Data Breach Search Tool:

Are You Authorized? Due to the sensitivity of this data, it would be a violation of DigitalStakeout Terms & MSA to conduct a search for personal or abusive reasons.

Log in to your DigitalStakeout account.
At the Start Page, Navigate to the Data Breach Search tool at the start page.
Enter the information that likely would match the selector in the search bar. The tool will auto-detect the selector.

IF you choose an invalid selector, you will not get any search results.

Click on the 'Search' button.

Note: The initial search on a selector may take up to 1 minutes.

Breach Search will display any relevant results related to your query. This may include breach details, the source of the breach, and other relevant metadata.

  1. Breach ID: 34b078d75001de476e44139da66e61336accfa50624d348378d1a0d3fa0706fb22a2a90ffb5e6b019feef3b28447e287eb01e06596d9e1f8af01c45f73289452
  2. File: ...r/ [Part 4 of 27]
  3. Last Updated: 2023-09-11T12:34:22.029301Z
  4. Source: Private Leaks
  5. Sample (Sanitized):
  6. 2e39;2SO2:p&#s4p;:3m5-e.,1999dort8N,2c.5e9T839ad 4c83###aec ;.-@ℜ8Up#st#m,1O5-.33#53mi2n509,;;m9)30mo49252lr-t4;2S5Ai0Ru0iR` 5-;EaL9;7,336c2&-;pm5n ts;m/; ;o2p#f0c5&3tt8#ts.- s8Z09Sco3 903;u/s,# 2 sD2m9,,t72,-u0&5;to#en3;:3rjR5; 3nk8d9T9m9tF&.;453:hP31 cRX31na# #dcu,n2(n#z94GtTr-25&;.8:c34a9322nue39&d#3,8(u9;N21&Ret1c19t/-;( ooit.9e#& 29m#o.mSAdi&-&,R&t0oo tD-1ses&ff30#& D@n ps2e -2--#3e p3;cr,Vvpto33d0nN#:K0L;&r0mpo2 a5t &em23p2c(de9&12roa3&8rnna2#3us3&23#c-#2y,;i#,5 1:2&c _ jc-nm3. ,08;7t&Ata:[9m9[iS3on8o:Nc82tR-saroE 2e1&y#i3#&nc;:;23De ;],3&&cs,c ,0o,Ve# so,08sM m .30i&-tp4&e 33252,&)S-0ee0; c24or#bl3-&s 9tb34;i s3cOs/E&9yt##n5l#a#iA5tyrp9&#&f0j3ddp2 #2troc20&ocs3 9muca tP4.s3n;i0-R&0ph9c#/98;a93u53t-D,1@t19h;sCmon53..e m-23.R03;.;3@19&u#-9.68Mpn723;2-y920#roe0Lc0;2 s..o3r# d9nrx3d75e0rg&#i2#2su9;Rse;V5:k2Ss:2yi70tHe3mc1&;2ci# -,392076.Te31rD23;,305M.cg69he@&:1#I&;&;3;7.m0:a9 &a/d55kd#eosn3)#v;9c#-&dA,no# ;:0&Epne5389yea2 3p,33;2e@#8Ie9,(. 50,ksmd1/&oM,gl43n00E9 d3;;2OD5pp#m5;K3..a26:e47 ;&o8s3id#ec2;c3mcsdo9a;99u.M`tR-5n;3i2 #9001i&t9#E:o-ia#303.r5.28d&&3p.0m2/d30;.Ccr e#e97t0Ods.c-9e9::59036I;& ;0aR3lS-ci9-daE@F;5u a&2t3dbooam.##]Pedei9leP.bc)&o#rd#cn&3lave001&h&8e,y-;, uirV8C;;5 ;219y08tRAkCD

Breach ID: Reference ID of the data.
File: File name of the source file (original).
Last Updated: When the index was last updated.  This may be the original discovery date or an updated date.
Source: The source where this was exposed on the dark web.
Sample: A plain text sample of the exposure. This is currently redacted.

Due to the sensitive nature of the data contained within, results are sanitized from view. To get details on a record, please contact support.

Data Source Reference

Tor: Tor hidden services (.onion domains)
I2P: I2P dark websites (.i2p domains)
Private Leaks: Restricted Data Leaks (requires elevated access to acquire)
Public Leaks: Public Data Leaks (exposed on dark web)
WikiLeaks: WikiLeaks, Cryptome & Snowden data
Pastebin: Paste documents from various pastebin sites
SSN Sites: Dumpster: SSN related websites
High-Value Sites: Interesting other websites with high-value information
Decentralized Web: Public Web: Decentralized blockchain based TLDs, BIT, BAZAR
Bot Logs with Selector: Bot logs: Data collected by and leaked from viruses such as Azorult
Usenet: Online discussion platform or forum, comparable to other forums on the internet
Misc Data: Any data potentially relevant but does not fit into any other category

Data Breach Search Best Practices

Search in Authorization: Due to the sensitivity of this data, it would be a violation of DigitalStakeout Terms to conduct a search for personal or abusive reasons.

Regularly Monitor: Regularly using the Data Breach Search tool can help you proactively identify exposures and take corrective actions promptly.

Be Specific: Inputting exact and specific data points for selectors can yield more accurate results. The most efficient selector is a domain name. The most likely targeted selector is an email address.

Stay Updated: Cyber threat landscapes are continually evolving. Stay updated with the latest threat intelligence reports and integrate those insights into your search patterns.


Q: How up-to-date is the information in the Data Breach Search tool?

A: DigitalStakeout regularly updates data. However, there might be a slight delay between a breach occurrence and its appearance in our tool due to various reasons, including data verification.

Q: How much data is in Breach Search?

A: As of 9/13/2023, there are more than 121,000,000,000+ records in the database.

Q: Can I automate my searches?

A: Soon, DigitalStakeout will release a DigitalStakeout Scout monitor with automation capabilities for certain premium accounts.

For further support or questions, please reach out to our support team.

    Need help with this?

    The DigitalStakeout team is happy to help! To request assistance, open a ticket .

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