Forget Password? Request a New Password

Forget Password? Request a New Password

Forget Your Password?  DigitalStakeout provides the ability to request a new password to access the DigitalStakeout product.

From the DigitalStakeout Login in page, select "Forget Your Password."

Select either "Send Password via Email", or "Send Password via Text." The text choice will only work if you have a phone number in your user profile.  Your user ID should be the email used to register your profile, unless you have changed it.
Note: If you do not know your User ID, please contact DigitalStakeout Support .

The user will receive an email or text from DigitalStakeout indicating a new temporary password.

Note: Some email systems mark external emails as spam or junk.  If the user does not receive the email in his/her inbox, it is recommended he/she looks for the email in spam, junk or clutter folders.

The user can continue to utilize the system generated password or change the password once access is obtained.

For more information on changing the DigitalStakeout password, visit

Note: The user must be logged into DigitalStakeout to access the Change Password help document.

    Need help with this?

    The DigitalStakeout team is happy to help! To request assistance, open a ticket .

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