Performing a Chatter Search (Article and Video)

Performing a Chatter Search (Article and Video)

Chatter searches sample posts from social media and dark nets to curate intelligence on threat actor tactics, techniques, or procedures. There are several ways to obtain data from Chatter. 

If you wish to learn more about specific search procedures, please see the linked articles at the end of these instructions.

Navigate to the Chatter application from anywhere in the platform. 

There are several ways to search the data on Chatter:

Boolean Search Bar
  • Enter your word(s) or phrase(s) in the Boolean search bar at the top of the screen immediately to the left of the blue "search" button.
  • Ensure your term is not too general (i.e. bomb) as Chatter is a global search.
  • Ensure the proper time frame is selected in the time frame drop-down box, which is located immediately above the Boolean search bar to the right of the word "time."
  • Select the blue search button.

Saved Filters
  • Select the drop-down box to the right of the word "Filter" just above the Boolean search bar.
  • Choose the saved filter you want to use.
  • Ensure your time-frame is set and select the blue search button.
Metadata Search
  • Once you receive results, you will see gray bars at the bottom of each result.  Any one of these can be used to further refine your search.
  • Select any of these gray bars (any or all of them can be used). They will appear in the facet search bar immediately beneath the Boolean search bar.
  • Ensure your time-frame is set and select the blue search button.
Additional Resources and Links For Filtering Data, Metadata/Facet Filtering, and Boolean Filtering:


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