Constructing a Word List

Constructing a Word List

Navigate to a screen with a word list drop-down box (Intelligent Discovery, Console, Tools), or hover over "setup" and select word list.

The platform will come with several word lists which you may use, rename, or edit at any time.

Constructing a new word list:

  1. Select the word list drop down box, and the first entry will be "create new word list." Select this choice.
  1. The "Word List Editor" will appear. You must give your word list a name consisting of at least three characters. Select save.
  1. "Word List Editor - List 1" will appear, and you will see several fields. Checking the "Share Word List with Team" box will enable anyone else with a profile in your account to see and use the list you are about to create.
  1. At this point, you may import a word list and re-name it, or you can manually add up to 2500 words and short phrases. You may copy and paste a word list provided all of the entries are separated with a comma. If you do it manually, add the comma and press "add" when your list is complete. You can select add after each word or phrase or single time after adding your entire list.
  1. Also at this point, you can rename this or another word list, or edit any other word list in your drop-down box.
  1. When you are done constructing or editing your word list(s), select save.

If you need help making your word list(s), please see the article entitled "Word List Filtering" in the support documentation or click here.

    Need help with this?

    The DigitalStakeout team is happy to help! To request assistance, open a ticket .

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